American Light Lager - High Gravity Wort Recipe pack.
Just add to a sanitised fermenter, top up with water and stir. Pitch in the yeast and fermentation begins. From there, the process is the same as your usual brewing method; control your fermentation temperature until your fermentation is complete, dry hop, cool and then bottle or keg. Read more about High Gravity Wort.
This recipe pack includes:
- High Gravity Pale Wort 1.3kg x 2
- High Gravity Wheat Wort 1.3kg x 2
- Saflager W-34/70 yeast sachet
Suggested Dry Hops: 50g Amarillo (not included)
Bitterness: 11 IBU
Colour: 15 EBC
Original Gravity: 1.038
Final Gravity: 1.007
Alcohol: 4.0% ABV
Makes: 30.8 litres
From: Long White Cloud Brewing Company
Made in: New Zealand