Clouds no longer belong solely to the sky. The trendy kid on the block, Vape is Froth Tech's answer to sick-as-hazies. Contributing a restrained but present ester profile and a silky mouthfeel, Vape clouds-out most when partnered with a high dose of hops and proteins to render the juiciest of NEIPA’s.
Attenuation: 71-75%
Flocculation: Medium
Alcohol Tolerance: 10%
Temp: 19-23°C
Assumed Origin: Boddington’s
Each pack contains >200B yeast cells, enough yeast for:
- 23L of beer wort up to 1.048 SG, or;
- 20L of beer wort up to 1.060 SG
* For lagers or high gravity ales, use two pouches or make a starter.
Price is per pack and includes an ice pack for shipping at no additional cost to keep your yeast cool during transit. Refrigerate as soon as you receive your order.
From: Froth Tech, NZ